grass straws

Green Up Your Life with Grass Straws

Like most people, you want your daily habits to reflect your concern for the environment. But sometimes, knowing where and how to start being more eco-friendly can take time and effort. One small but significant change many of us can make is ditching plastic straws in favor of a sustainable substitute—grass straws!

Grass straws are 100% recyclable and made from materials that involve minimal waste produced during manufacturing. Look closer at why grass straws are the best alternative option for reducing environmental damage without sacrificing convenience or taste.

Let’s start discovering its many underrated qualities today!

grass straws

What are Grass Straws?

Grass straws are a new sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic straws. Made from natural gray sedge, these straws are 100% biodegradable and compostable. They not only help reduce plastic waste, but also provide an attractive, natural alternative that is safe to use for both hot and cold beverages. Not only are they made from naturally grown grass, but the manufacturing process as well isn’t harmful to the environment.

The production process utilizes little to no water, protects soil quality, and keeps pollutants out of the environment. Once discarded, grass straws provide organic nutrition to the soil rather than sit in landfills like plastic ones.

They also have a shorter life cycle than their synthetic counterparts and break down fast when composted or exposed to sunlight or rainwater.

Furthermore, because they don’t contain harsh chemicals or toxins like plastics, grass straws are safely used for drinking without worrying about ingesting microplastics or other harmful substances.

Natural yet durable – from manufacturing to consumption – grass straw is a great way to save the environment while enjoying your favorite beverage!

So how are Grass Straws made?

When it comes to how grass straws are made, the process is relatively simple that doesn’t require large machinery that also produces toxins. The reason for this is simple. The gray sedge has an elongated void stem, a design which deems fit for an eco-friendly straw. We go into much more detail in our previous blog post here about the Manufacturing process. The manufacturing process has been designed to ensure that all our products made from renewable resources, sustainably sourced, food safe, compostable and have a lower environmental impact. Heres how we make grass straws to achieve that goal:

1. Sustainably Grow

It doesn’t matter whether you intend to make fresh or dried straws; the first step in the straw manufacturing process always includes the sedge grass to be grown and rinsed off. To ensure that we are sustainably sourcing the grass we wait for the grass to be around 2 meters high which is when they are mature. This is to make sure that the grass that we are harvesting have had time to reproduce in the surrounding area.

2.     Cleaning and drying

The next step in the manufacturing process of making grass straws starts by cutting the straws into the correct lengths. We offer 2 lengths that are suitable for short drinks and long drinks, you can check them both out here – Cocktail Grass Straws & Regular Grass Straws!

After they have been cut to the correct lengths, they are hand wash in salt water to remove any contaminants and bacteria not only from the outside of the stem but also the hollow inside as well. Once rinsed off, they are left to dry in the sun.

This step is repeated several times to increase the shelf-life of the straws and to ensure that they are safe to consume.

3.     Final Checks

Its as simple as that! The straws are now ready for an inspection to maintain its quality. This is also the step where customizations can be done such as laser printing logos, sharpening ends and wrapping them in biodegradable paper for takeaway purposes.

Don’t believe its possibly that easy? Checkout the video below by VnExpressInternational which shows the manufacturing process from start to finish

So now we know what grass straws are and how they are made, we should answer the question why though? What are the benefits grass straws bring that plastic and paper straws just cant?

Paper Straws? Think Again…

  • Toxic chemicals used to make the raw materials.
  • 51% more global warming gases produced than plastic production.
  • 50 times higher level of water pollution created from coatings, colouring and bleaches.
  • 4 times more raw materials used to produce paper than plastic.
  • 70% more air pollution produced than the production of plastic bags

Aside from the environmental impact, paper straws perform poorly. 

Alternatives to soggy paper straws

So far, you must have understood that biodegradable straws are made with green products and are best to keep the environment safe. Now, let’s find out the fantastic benefits of straws made with grass in detail.

1.     Healthy Alternative to Plastic & Paper Straws

More than everything else, health is the most prized possession for any person, whether they think for themselves or their family’s health. As a result, items that serve personal life requirements should be prioritized to protect people’s health.

The grass straws are environmentally friendly because they are made of natural plants. Moreover, using grass straws minimizes the quantity of plastic trash entering the environment, which helps safeguard the environment’s sustainability.

2.     Keep Ocean And Sea Life Safe

According to the study, around 8 million tonnes of plastic are wasted in the ocean each year, which is the equivalent of dumping a vehicle load of plastic debris into the open sea every minute.

Plastic straws are among six categories of garbage that take a long time to decompose fully and may take up to 200 years. Also, plastic and metal have been causing a significant reason to impact sea habitats adversely, so it is best to use other healthy alternatives.

This minor act can reduce such risks for present species affected by plastic straw waste rather than destroying the marine environment at a time when many corals are extensively polluted with plastic toxins.

3.     Environmentally Friendly

Plastic straws are particularly hazardous to one’s health because, in the absence of quality standards, the chemicals in the plastic can enter food and drink. Substituting plastic straws with grass straws helps safeguard our well-being and future generations.

Grass straws are from organic sources and are not manufactured using contemporary industrial methods.

As a result, it does not emit polluting emissions into the environment. Grass straws may also be composted to produce organic waste that can be used to nourish plants.

4.     Grass straws decompose easily

Unlike regular plastic straws, grass straws quickly decompose after usage. On the other hand, a straw of grass decomposes fully in the environment in just a few days.  So we encourage you to throw your straws near trees! They’ll break down and provide great nutrients for the soil.

5.     They look great in photos!

The environmental impact of plastic straws and paper straws is evident, and the most realistic solution is to use plastic straws just once. We have discussed the immense advantages of grass straws for our health and environment.

Not only are they environmentally friendly, but these grass straws also look great in photos to help you further create engagement on your preferred social platforms. Check out these photos below yourself.

grass straws

Comparing Plastic, Paper & Grass straws the obvious winner is Grass Straws! Lets take a look at each one again below:

paper straws vs grass straws

Switching to grass straws can go a long way in reducing plastic waste. Not only are they made from natural material, but they work just as good as regular plastic straws. Using grass straws can be a small and simple action that will have large benefits for the environment. So, consider making the switch today and make your contribution towards decreasing plastic waste!

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